Friday, February 6, 2009

Still here.

Wow, it's been almost a month since I last posted. I'm still here and doing alright. Currently I'm working on debunking my first apologist book: "Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God" by Phyllis Robinson. It's turning out to be an extremely long process, so I'll probably split my posts up in chapters when it's finally done.

I'm becoming disappointed with the public school here in my town. While claiming to be a secular system, unfortunately it's completely saturated by the xtians. Despite my best efforts of keeping my children away from religion in general until they reach an age when they can make an informed decision on their own, I'm finding them coming home and asking me what a teacher(!!) meant when she was talking about heaven and hell in class(!!!!!). I could understand if a kid came up to them and started talking about stuff like that, since religion advocates brainwashing, but this is a spokesperson for the school (a teacher) essentially teaching (in class) xtianity. Completely unacceptible! My modest income prohibits me from taking legal action, but I'm seriously considering enrolling the kids in a virtual school next year.

On a lighter note, I'm working on trying to get a couple people signed up so they can start posting here as well. Maybe then it won't be so long until there's another post :).

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